Graphic Design Field Trip

Recently the Graphic Design students went on a successful field trip to Dublin. The main focus was a visit to QMP Publicis, one of Ireland’s largest advertising agencies. QMP Publicis are an award winning agency that boast many big brand clients including Meteor, No Nonsence Insurance, Spar, FBD, VHI, Cadbury, RTE, TG4 and many more. The agency delivers content for a range of media including TV, radio, print and digital.
QMP Publicis occupies three floors of office space and employs over a hundred and fifty people. The graphic design students were taken on a tour of the digital graphic’s department and were able to see first hand, design work in progress at the agency. This involved talking to designers about their work, where the students identified with the software and techniques used including the use of sketchbooks and storyboards to develop ideas and how Photoshop, Illustrator and Indesign are vital to the implementation of professional designs. The designers explained how CGI played an important part in developing the Cadbury ad campaign and how new developments in Matt painting techniques in Photoshop helped create amazing effects for a Tiger Beer billboard campaign.
The students also visited the National Gallery of Ireland to see the European and Irish Masters exhibition and really enjoyed this experience. I would like to thank all the students who went on the trip and helped make it a memorable experience.
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graphic design
Hervey Bay