Aine says everything we did on the Arts Administration course was valuable in preparing her for this opportunity. She did multiple work placements and volunteer placements during her course year, including Culture Night; Jazz Festival; Art Trail; Cork Printmakers and Kinsale Art Week.
She was Project Manger of the CSN February off-site exhibition in 2011, "Drawing Inspiration" where she assisted in hanging the show, invigilated, gave tours to the general public and participated in working with the Family Saturday Workshops. Her responsibilities included taking down the show and dealing with the artists and designers as they collected their work.
A Distinction profile student, Aine represents the standard of highly-motivated student we attract for this hands-on, practical arts administration course. We, the CSN Arts Administration course, are validated (Q-marked) by CHNTO, the former Museum Training Institute , UK, since 2002.
The Kendal Museum's website is: http://www.kendalmuseum.org.uk/
csnartsadmin@csn.ie Carol White, Course Director
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