Saturday, May 28, 2011

"The 7 Characteristics of a Good Exhibition: The Moving Edge"

'the moving edge', CSN's May Summer Art and Design exhibition had something for everyone. This year, as always, we followed the exhibition design process that begins with "7 Characteristics of a Good Exhibition".

it must be safe and secure - health and safety of the audience, as well as the work on view, is the first priority in exhibition design. This characteristic is similar across the arts, music, theatre and dance, adapted for each art form.

  • it must be visible - a good exhibition has impact pieces at focal points of the route. The eye of the viewer might be caught by something in the distance, something up front and objects throughout the route of the show. Objects are placed for their technique, colour, balance, and excellent craftsmanship. A crowded exhibition confuses the visitor. "Less is more" for a first exhibition for visitor's who come to view work in a friendly environment.

  • it must catch the eye - work selected for the CSN exhibitions are selected by tutors and industry specialists. Like any art form, exhibition design focuses on the very best of work created during an academic year in several disciplines.

  • It must look good - a freshly painted area is the most appropriate for the good exhibition. Plinths, platforms and accessories are painted in colours that enhance the topic of the exhibition. Good label copy enhances the visitor's experience - and touches such as imagery and thought-provoking quotations carry each person along the route in a personalised way.

  • it must hold the attention - predictable exhbitions are not educational or fun. Label copy related to the theme of the exhibition helps the visitor to understand how the artist or designer creates the work. Humour can be used in moderation as well as shock value for some exhibitions. Educational activities might be added along the route of an exhibition - to engage the visitor in the experience.

  • it must be worthwhile - because CSN has dedicated annual exhibits in February and May, our intention is to keep each experience FRESH and interesting by showing a variety of changing themes and work from each course involved in the show. Music and educational aspects are always added in CSN exhibition programmes. We include informative guided tours, on-hand staff who can answer questions and provide participatory elements.

  • it must be in good taste - when an exhibition is in a college environment, we endeavour to both educate and entertain our audiences of potential students, the general public, the VEC management and the college community. A good exhibition should not offend an audience - we enter into a contract of trust when a show is presented, with the public's permission.

CSN maintains an in-house Student Collection, at Tramore Road, of work from all art and design courses in the college - maintained by Arts Administration.

For information about the Art and Design Department see the website.

Facebook: CSN Arts Administration (Community)

Carol White, Course Director, Arts Administration