Every year CSN's art and design students, including Furniture Design and the Higher Diploma in Professional Arts, raise the bar on the quality of work produced at Further Education level.
There is a broadening of vocabulary for materials. New sensitivities and responses are cultivated and put on view in a showcase of work in May each year that goes from strength-to-strength.
Best practice is exemplified by the entries from the visiting the public in our guest book and the extraordinary media response to Beautiful Proof.
Consistency, quality and the integrity of students working towards a future goal of individual practice or 3rd level education are here to see with 8 courses selected down from a year's work with the assistance of students of CSN Arts Administration who style the show, work on the PR and marketing, design the route of the exhibit for health and safety.
The first outing, for most of our art and design students, in the public world of visual and applied arts, is handled by students studying professional practices in Customer Service; Arts Event Management; Writing for the Arts Sector; Exhibition Techniques; Arts and the Community and Digital Photography.
For further information, as well as "the 10 characteristics of a good exhibition", contact:
Carol White, exhibitionscsnprojmanag@hotmail.com (021) 4961020