Monday, March 30, 2009

“Angels and Arches: Access with Design 1 at CSN”
Cork Life Long Learning Festival

Coláiste Stiofáin Naofa, College of Further Education, is delighted to announce the opening of an exhibition showcasing new and exciting work by emerging talent from Access with Design 1 course 2008 - 2009.

“Decorative architecture inspires art students and takes their creativity to new heights.” Jenny Monks

The joy and fulfilment of returning to education is celebrated for the Lifelong Learning Festival in this exhibition. Clare Hennessey, Director of the Cork Printmakers, will officially open the exhibition on Tuesday, 31st March, at 10.30 AM, ground floor foyer.

Be dazzled and enchanted by ‘Angels and Arches’ a stunning collection of beautifully stitched and printed work by first year students on the Access with Design course. Sewn threads, glistening layered fabrics and embellished details entrance the viewer and showcase the talent of this unique class.

The decorative architectural beauty of St. Fin Barre’s Cathedral is the starting point of the students’ creative journeys. Research drawings, undertaken on site, have been developed into a majestic collection of inspirational prints and stitched pieces. CSN welcomes the public to view this exhibition that celebrates students’ newfound skills and creativity in the interpretation of one of Corks, most famous landmarks.

Access with Design promotes art for the learner at beginners’ level. The course encourages all participants to reach their full artistic potential, giving them self confidence and fulfilment in achieving skills in various design processes. If you are interested and require further information or would like to interview for a place on the course we currently welcome applicants.


Event: “Angels and Arches”, Access with Design 1
Contact: Jenny Monks
Telephone: 021 4961020
Fax: 021 4961320
Venue: Coláiste Stiofáin Naofa, Tramore Rd., Cork
Dates: Monday March 30th – Friday April 10th 2009
Opening Hours: 9.30 AM – 4.30 PM (Monday – Friday)
Opening Reception: Tuesday 31st March, 10.30 AM
Opening Speaker: Clare Hennessey, Director, Cork Printmakers